Alonso Cedillo is a Millennial artist that explores our post internet world dissolving the limits between reality and fiction, as well as the analog and the digital. Defining post-internet as his medium, and his mediums as protocols, Cedillo’s works codes itself through painting, sculpture, film, photography, webpages, machine learning, and alternate reality games (ARG).
Since 2012, his work has been exploring digital economy through the use of tokenization and community currencies by creating digital and in-world happenings through his ARGs and internet based projects. engaging with his players/public through Virtual & Augmented Reality, webpages, machine learning, and relational performances.
Immersing his viewers into an Earthly reality that sees no difference between the real and the virtual, Cedillo's work highlights the importance and uniqueness of human labor-generated data, which he considers the economic axis of the 21st century's economics.
His work has been collected publicly and privately in Mexico, the United States, Colombia, Argentina, Austria, and the United Arab Emirates. It has been exhibited at the NRML festival in Monterrey (2013) and was featured at Donaufestival (2013) and Transitio MX (2015) by Fran Ilich, as well as TOGETHER (2021) by La Galería Rebelde.
Alonso Cedillo (b.1988) graduated from the National School of Painting, Sculpture, and Printmaking “La Esmeralda” in Mexico City. His work is part of public and private collections in Mexico, Austria, the United Arab Emirates, Colombia, Argentina, and the United States.
Contact: cedillomata@pm.me